Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today I am thankful for 4 healthy children. At ages 7,6,3, and almost 5 months, we've had no major illnesses. They were born healthy and except for minor colds/viruses - we've had healthy years with them. I thank God daily for that. I read of so many babies/children struggling to make it another day. I can't even begin to imagine what their parents may be going through. All I know, is for some reason, God has spared me that heartache so far in my life.
I know the day may come when I have to endure the trial of having a sick or injured child. I dread that day; but, I know that even though circumstances in my life may change from day to day - God is God ALL THE TIME! He never changes! I pray that in the midst of those circumstances I can remember that.
I pray for those who are having to endure these trials presently. I have a college friend who is currently pregnant with twins. She is (as far as I know) in Miami getting ready for laser surgery because her baby girls (who are 15 weeks gestation) have TTTS (twin to twin transference syndrone). I pray for those babies (Payton & Maren) that they will survive surgery and continue to grow and develop until they are ready to be delivered. I pray for their sweet mommy who is doing everything she can possibly do to ensure their healthy delivery. I believe surgery is tomorrow (if insurance problems were fixed).
Thank you GOD for your grace.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too Busy

Seems life is always so busy!! I don't make the time to keep this thing updated. Of course, it doesn't much matter because I don't think anyone reads it anyway. But, it is a great release for me to write this and get our goings on off my chest. Life is great -- most days. Homeschooling is going great and it looks like we'll be winding down our year in about 4 weeks. Needless to say, the girls are excited about that.
Raylyn and Hannah are doing great with their school work. Hannah loves reading. Raylyn loves math. Stephen loves to get in the way. Ha!! He talks about "doing his lessons". So, I give him papers to "do". He enjoys feeling like a big boy (for short periods of time).
Andrew is so cooperative with our schedule. He wakes, eats, plays, and sleeps. We've finally got his stomach to feeling better and he has very few "crying" spells. Praise the Lord!!
Daniel works... We are so thankful that he gets to come home at lunch most days. That's a nice break for me.
We are so busy that it seems we have limited time to go visit family. We did enjoy a great Easter weekend in Augusta with Daniel's family and then spent Easter Sunday afternoon in Dublin with my family. It seems that, working in the church, every weekend has some activity we need to be present for. We love our ministry, though. Working with children and teens was what we were called to do ... but it would be nice to have a few more free weekends.
I'm so proud of myself.. Yesterday, my friend, Jennifer and I recovered my dining room chairs. Go, ME!! Well, she was a great help, too. They look so good. Didn't know I could do such a thing. It looks like I have brand new chairs. Maybe I should open up a business. Yeah, right.
So, that's life in a nutshell - as of late. See ya' back on here again soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What I'm thankful for...

A Husband who loves me and loves spending time with our children and me


Giveaway!! Don't miss out!

There's a great giveaway going on that all you "mommies" won't want to miss.


Click on the link and it will take you to the place to enter. Read the info on this site! Very helpful information and also very uplifting. Don't forget to enter the contest. Of course, I hope I win.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the road again... I can wait!

Well, we began our week on the road. Daniel had school in Marietta on Monday, so we arose - quite early - and rode to Marietta with him. We dropped him off at school and met his cousin Heather at McDonalds. She has a 3 year old, Caleb. So, the kids played a while at McD's and we ate breakfast. Then, we rode to a local park. It had to be the best park I've ever been to. Wish we had one like that in this area. It had several play things - one for each age group. It had a merry-go-round, bouncy things, swings, etc. There were also walking trails and a creek. The kids had a great time wading in the creek. We left the park and went to Heather's house. The kids played outside while Heather fixed lunch and I fed Andrew. After eating lunch, we had to go back to the school to pick up Daniel.
We left Marietta and headed to Madison. Not as long of a trip as I had anticipated. (only about an hour) We dropped Daniel off at Source Of Light Ministries International, where he is a member of the board. He had board meeting Monday afternoon and most of the day Tuesday. The kids and I checked in to a hotel. (w/an indoor pool). We swam a while and then Stephen got quite bored. He doesn't care much for swimming. Daniel came back about 5:00 and we got ready for a banquet.
Gaga and papa got there about 5:45 to stay with the kids while we went to our banquet. They enjoyed swimming with Gaga and Papa and eating pizza. Andrew had a few quiet moments with Gaga in the room.
Tuesday - was quite long. Daniel's meeting lasted longer than planned. The kids and I went to Wal-Mart, got lunch, ate at the park and played. We showed up to pick Daddy up at 2:00 but he didn't get done until 4:00. So, the kids got bored. They did fairly well under the circumstances, though. We left at 3:00 to get icecream and then went back to get daddy.
We arrived back home just in time for Upward practice. So - busy couple of days - but at least we were able to be together. The joy of homeschooling is we can pick up and go when we need or want to w/out missing school. So, glad this door is open for us - although - I would like to SLAM it shut every now and then.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snow Days

Wow! What fun we had in the snow this last Sunday and Monday. By the time we got home from church and lunch on Sunday, there was a nice blanket of snow covered the ground. So, we all bundled up and prepared to enjoy the beauty of God's creation. First - to the backyard. The girls jumped on the trampoline and made snow angels. Stephen enjoyed watching the snow fall on "Dukey boy"'s nose. He also enjoyed the fact that our yard looked like "Narnia". It didn't take long for their gloves to be wet and their hands to be cold.
So, we changed gloves and headed toward the church with our boogie board in hand to do a little sledding. (You know you're in the south when you go sledding on a boogie board.)
They had loads of fun sledding down the hill by our playground at church. Oh - the joy in their laughter is something that I will long remember. After a while, we came back home and the girls wanted to build a snowman. So, we all got started. It was fun watching them create these snow people.
We came inside and had hot chocolate and watched Narnia. Right after supper, our electricity went out. We spent the evening playing cards and other games. The girls loved the fact that we had to use candles to see. We headed for an early bedtime - when the kids got bored of playing games.
It was very relaxing and unbelievably quiet to not have the TV on all evening. It was a refreshing and fun time that we spent all together playing and having fun.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Eventful Trip

Well, we're home from Winterplace, WV. The youth had a great time skiing. I just went up to see the snow. But, boy, was it an eventful trip home.
To start with, we woke up Sunday AM with 3-4 in. of snow and it was still snowing. It was BEAUTIFUL!! The kids loved playing in the snow. WE hit the road at 9:30 AM and boy was it freezing. Yes, that's right, the heat on the bus did not work. We got about an hour and a half down the road and the bus broke down. Not sure what the problem was but we were able to coast and partly drive to the next exit to a gas station. WE were there 2 1/2 hours. Daniel and one of your other leaders drove the other guy's car into town to find a church. They ended up at FBC Hillsville, VA. Church ended and they talked with the preacher there who hooked them up with a couple willing to drive us part of the way to meet some of our church folks. So, we left and headed toward Charlotte. We met up with our church people about 30 miles south of Charlotte - and arrived back at our church by 9:00 PM.
YES! The bus is still in Virginia. Someone is supposed to be going to look at it to see what's wrong.
God protected us and brought us ALL home safely. The teenagers and leaders all had great attitudes and we had no major issues. It was a great trip despite the problems. It was fun and inspiring to see a whole new part of God's creation - the mountains, the snow, etc. He is SO GOOD!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Doing well

Well, I'm recovering nicely from my tubal ligation. Still sore - and "doped up" when I take my pain medicine - so I save it for nighttime. Not hurting too badly anymore, though, so I'm relying more on ibuprofen.
Daniel's mom went home yesterday right before lunchtime. She took Stephen with her. He'll be staying until Sunday week. WOW - that's a LONG TIME!! The other kids and I will be going to Augusta next Thursday to spend the night. Then, Daniel will come through there on the way to Winterplace, WV with the youth to SKI. They will pick me up to go on the trip. All the kids will stay with Daniel's parents until we return Sunday to pick them up. (God Bless THEM!!) We are so blessed to have family so willing to help us out with our children.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

surgery day

Well - we got up at 5 AM to get ready to head to Macon. Thankfully, Andrew did not wake up during the night. We left at 5:40 AM. They took me back into surgery at about 7:30 or so. Everything went great and we were headed home at 9:30 AM. WOW!! Never had a procedure done that was so efficient and quick. They moved right from one thing to the next and then moved me out the door.
After stopping to pick up my pain medicine, we came home and the kids had saved me some pancakes and eggs for breakfast. I was STARVING! So, I ate, and then went straight to bed. I've been in bed all day. (still a bit woozy from being put to sleep).
Dr. says recovery will take a couple of days but for me not to do any heavy lifting for a week (until I go for my post-op visit).
So, I'm praying for a good night's sleep after sleeping ALL DAY!!! My kids have been very good and quiet today for me. Although, GAGA is still here to entertain them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a DAY!!

Well, yesterday was quite a day!! We woke up late (7:00 AM) and were supposed to leave the house by 7:45 AM, but ended up not leaving until 8:00 AM. We had to drop the girls off at my good friend, Jennifer's, house. Daniel, the boys, and I headed to Macon for my 9 AM Dr's appt. I had another appt. at 10 across the street for pre-op. Wed. I will be having a tubal ligation. Yes, I'm 'cutting off' my ability to have children. We've been blessed with 4 healthy children (2 girls & 2 boys). All went well with my appts.
Next, we went to eat at Olive Garden - YUM!YUM!! All you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks. Then, we went to Michael's and LifeWay (2 of my favorite stores) to kill time before the boys' appt. at 2:15.
Stephen and Andrew both had well-visits (Stephen - 3yr. and Andrew - 2mo.) Poor Andrew had to get 5 shots!! OUCH!! Never knew they gave that many at a time. Poor BABY!!! Stephen passed his "tests" with flying colors. Hearing - FINE! Vision 20/20 both eyes!! Thankfully, NO SHOTS for Stephen. Stephen measured in the 75% for weight and 65% for height - so the Dr. said he's doing GREAT!! He was 38 in. tall and weighed 34 pounds. Andrew was 10 pounds 9 ounces and was 22 1/2 in. long. Not sure of his percentiles.
Dr. Slade put Andrew on Zantac as he thinks he has reflux. He had eaten just as we arrived at the office and through his normal 'after feeding' fit while the Dr. was in the room. He said that by the looks of his 'fit', reflux may be the cause. So, he suggested we add rice cereal to his bottle and give him the zantac for 30 days. He wants to reweigh him in 2 weeks and after 30 days if his problem has not improved, he will do a GI test to see if there are any internal problems to blame.
After leaving Macon, we had to go to Griffin to a viewing for our Minister of Music's dad who passed away Sunday. We got there at 6:45 and did not leave there until 8:15. It was a LONG LINE. The boys did great, though, considering what a long day we had.
We made it back to Jennifer's to pick up the girls at 8:45. I hated to be so late because they usually go to bed early, but thankfully they had not been home long.
We came home exhausted - 3 of 4 children ASLEEP!! Andrew had eaten on the way home at 8:15 and so we put him in bed expecting him to wake up a few hours later, but he slept until 6 this morning. WOW!!! GREAT NIGHT's SLEEP!!
Up bright and early - started laundry, drank coffee while doing my Esther Bible Study!! (It's a great one if you haven't done it!)
They called and said that I have to be at the hospital at 6:30 AM for my surgery tomorrow. Thank goodness - because they had originally told me 1:00 PM. Should only be there 4 or 5 hours and then they will send me home with pain medication. He says that it should only be a 2-3 day recovery.
So, my mother-in-law is coming today to spend the night and keep the kiddos tomorrow. (Needless to say, I've been trying to clean up this messy house!) She'll stay until Thurs. She's such a saint!! My mom is coming to the hospital to sit with Daniel. Then, my mom is getting the boys on Friday and keeping them for the weekend. That will be a great help!!
Pray for my quick recovery and the dr. as I go through this surgery.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things about me!

I was tagged many times to do this on facebook, so I thought I'd post it on my blog, too.

1. I am married to the love of my life! Sorry all you other girls had to settle for 'second best'. :)
2. I am a stay-at-home mom.
3. I home school my girls. Raylyn is in 2nd grade and Hannah is in 1st. Stephen will be 3 on Friday and Andrew is 6 weeks old.
4. So - I guess I should say - I TRY to home school my girls. :)
5. I live in our church's pastoriom - which has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
6. I have a cemetery in my backyard. (our neighbors are QUIET!)
7. I have a pet snake.
8. I have a pet turtle.
9. Does anybody want a dog?
10. I'm SLOWLY learning how to sew.
11. I love to scrapbook - if only I had more time.
12. I am a Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay.
13. My husband likes to cook a lot more than I do.
14. I hate to clean up - don't mind the deep cleaning - just hate straightening up the JUNK.
15. My favorite restaurants are Bonefish Grill and Carrabbas.
16. I Love to spend time with my family!!
17. I like to 'tent camp' (when it's not too hot or too cold).
18. I LOVE spending time with my family - most of them. :)
19. I LOVE playing games - card games, board games - you name it!
20. My children have the best grandparents in the world - they LOVE spending time with them.
21. I LOVE to read!
22. I work with the Awana Sparks at my church.
23. I want to own a convertible one day.
24. I want to visit ALL 50 STATES one day.
25. I love to see God in the "small things".

Can't believe I'm doing this...

I can't believe I've given in to the blogging world. I love reading other peoples' blogs, so I figure, "why not share my life experiences with others, too"?
There are days when I can't go on a single minute - the stress and anxiety is doing me in... and I am ready to give up and quit. But, then I remember why I'm here ... to fulfill God's purpose for me... wife and mommy - doesn't sound like much - until one of my 4 (well, 3 talking) children calls my name (for something other than tattling). And then, my purpose is of GREAT importance - to them anyway. God has created me as the wife of Daniel and the mommy to Raylyn, Hannah, Stephen, and Andrew - and to HIM that's important. To THEM - that's important. I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis that even though I don't always get recognized for ALL I DO as wife and mommy - my job is important to the one who created me. He created me for this purpose - but first and foremost - He created me to serve him - and by serving my family - I'm serving Him.
So, when my day seems as though it will NEVER end... When my children seem like they will NEVER learn to get along... When my husband is TOO BUSY to sit and talk with me... I can know that my Heavenly Father is up there - smiling on me and giving me all the recognition I need - because I'm doing the JOB he created me to do.