Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today I am thankful for 4 healthy children. At ages 7,6,3, and almost 5 months, we've had no major illnesses. They were born healthy and except for minor colds/viruses - we've had healthy years with them. I thank God daily for that. I read of so many babies/children struggling to make it another day. I can't even begin to imagine what their parents may be going through. All I know, is for some reason, God has spared me that heartache so far in my life.
I know the day may come when I have to endure the trial of having a sick or injured child. I dread that day; but, I know that even though circumstances in my life may change from day to day - God is God ALL THE TIME! He never changes! I pray that in the midst of those circumstances I can remember that.
I pray for those who are having to endure these trials presently. I have a college friend who is currently pregnant with twins. She is (as far as I know) in Miami getting ready for laser surgery because her baby girls (who are 15 weeks gestation) have TTTS (twin to twin transference syndrone). I pray for those babies (Payton & Maren) that they will survive surgery and continue to grow and develop until they are ready to be delivered. I pray for their sweet mommy who is doing everything she can possibly do to ensure their healthy delivery. I believe surgery is tomorrow (if insurance problems were fixed).
Thank you GOD for your grace.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too Busy

Seems life is always so busy!! I don't make the time to keep this thing updated. Of course, it doesn't much matter because I don't think anyone reads it anyway. But, it is a great release for me to write this and get our goings on off my chest. Life is great -- most days. Homeschooling is going great and it looks like we'll be winding down our year in about 4 weeks. Needless to say, the girls are excited about that.
Raylyn and Hannah are doing great with their school work. Hannah loves reading. Raylyn loves math. Stephen loves to get in the way. Ha!! He talks about "doing his lessons". So, I give him papers to "do". He enjoys feeling like a big boy (for short periods of time).
Andrew is so cooperative with our schedule. He wakes, eats, plays, and sleeps. We've finally got his stomach to feeling better and he has very few "crying" spells. Praise the Lord!!
Daniel works... We are so thankful that he gets to come home at lunch most days. That's a nice break for me.
We are so busy that it seems we have limited time to go visit family. We did enjoy a great Easter weekend in Augusta with Daniel's family and then spent Easter Sunday afternoon in Dublin with my family. It seems that, working in the church, every weekend has some activity we need to be present for. We love our ministry, though. Working with children and teens was what we were called to do ... but it would be nice to have a few more free weekends.
I'm so proud of myself.. Yesterday, my friend, Jennifer and I recovered my dining room chairs. Go, ME!! Well, she was a great help, too. They look so good. Didn't know I could do such a thing. It looks like I have brand new chairs. Maybe I should open up a business. Yeah, right.
So, that's life in a nutshell - as of late. See ya' back on here again soon.